My Services

Whether you’re looking to connect with loved ones who have passed, receive loving wisdom and healing from whales and dolphins that I share through meditation, or commit to spiritual coaching to deepen your daily connection and co-create your divine life, I’m here to bring you more peace, clarity, joy, and healing!


A medium is someone who can connect with people who have passed on from this life. I am able to connect with the energy of these loved ones in order to receive messages that will help heal, inspire, and uplift. I can do this in a mediumship reading, connecting in real-time and sharing the messages as they arise, and/or through a letter, in which I connect energetically and write down the messages received from loved ones. There are many reasons to experience a mediumship reading, from resolving issues or unfinished ‘business’ to receiving support and guidance during a difficult time, or even advice about an important decision. Ultimately, through this experience you will know and understand that our loved ones never leave us; they simply become a part of our life in a different way. Most importantly, love never dies!

Package: One-time payment of $195 for 3 readings to be held within 90 days. Recommended: 1 reading every 3 weeks.

Package: One-time payment of $360 for 6 readings to be held within 6 months.

Single Session: $75/reading (1 hour)

Whale-Dolphin Energy Healing

Did you know that whales and dolphins hold so much love for humanity, and want to help us to reach our fullest potential? They represent and bring forth deep consciousness and healing. I am able to connect energetically with the whales and dolphins, who bring visions, experiences, feelings, and messages to support your growth, healing, and bringing higher awareness and consciousness to your everyday life. This is a powerful gift to give yourself and loved ones, as the whales and dolphins bring a new perspective to old issues and habits. They are able to connect to your heart-space and adjust your energetic frequencies, so you’ll feel the impact and effects long after the reading. You’ll also be provided a recording, so you can watch the session again and again and re-immerse yourself in the gentle, loving, supportive energy of the whales and dolphins, who are always with us in spirit and always holding our potential for the highest good.

Package: One-time payment of $195 for 3 readings to be held within 90 days. Recommend 1 reading every 3 weeks.

Package: One-time payment of $360 for 6 readings to be held within 6 months.

Single Session: $75/reading (1 hour)

Spiritual Coaching

We are energetic beings of love and light. Many traditional coaches and counselors tend to focus on the physical, mental, and emotional without addressing our spiritual nature. True healing, self-love, and peace come from integrating all parts of ourselves. Through my spiritual coaching, I work weekly with each person as an individual, with past experiences, traumas, and hopes, to discover and incorporate your own unique spiritual gifts. I help you tailor your healing and wellness to your own circumstances and desires, bringing together physical, mental, and emotional health to help you create your best life. Through working together, you will be given many tools and techniques, and ongoing support, to help you connect daily to your higher self and Divine love. We also focus on your short- and long-term goals and dreams so you can truly live your purpose with more grace, peace, flow, love, and ease!

Package: $300 a month for a minimum of 4 months, weekly 1-hour sessions, readings plus 24/7 coach access on Voxer or Whatsapp

Book a 30-minute call with me to get started!

You deserve peace, love, joy, and flow! Allow yourself to receive the Divine gifts intended for you! Are you ready to heal?